ISN Anchor Desk - Quotes
Matters of HonorKosh - "Being seen by so many at once was a great strain."Kosh - "It was ... necessary."
Kosh - "I have always been here." Marcus - "Eject me!" Londo, to Morden - "With the Narn War over, I think it is time that we ... reconsider our relationship."
Morden - "So now that we’ve done everything you asked, you’d like us to just disappear?" Londo - "We have danced our last little dance, Mr. Morden. Now it is time for you to go away." Mr. Endawi - "We don’t have a clue." Delenn, re: Shadows - "I have never actually seen one until this moment." Delenn - "Take a good look, John, and remember it well. That is the face of our enemy." Londo - "We have made the practice of joy another duty."
Mr. Endowi - "That’s all?" Marcus - "I need your help, Delenn."
Thug - "I don’t like insults."
Sheridan - "When did you ... how did you?" Marcus, to Sheridan - "We have no one else to turn to." Marcus - _Her name is the White Star. And she’s yours, Captain."
Garibaldi - "I try never to get involved with my own life. Too much trouble." G’Kar - "To all things there is a time, Mr. Endawi." Delenn - "Shadows! In Valen’s name!" Delenn - "They missed! They never miss!"
Susan - "They called it the bonehead maneuver. No offense."
Sheridan - "You ready?" Sheridan - "I’m creating a War Council ..." Dr Franklin - "Could someone please tell me what the hell these Shadows are?"
ConvictionsGaribaldi - "Zack, do me a favor and ... explain the ... missionary position to these folks."Brother Theo - "Hello. I’m Brother Theo. We’re going to be staying here for awhile."
Susan - "You want to live here?"
Flinn - "Where you going?" G’Kar - "From now on, I must remember to check the Babylon 5 social calendar more often." Londo - "There is nothing political about the truth."
Garibaldi, to Susan - "May I be the first to say that this is the nuttiest idea you’ve ever had?"
Londo - "We must work together." G’Kar, to Londo - "As the humans say, ‘Up yours’." G’Kar - "Not many fishies left in the sea. Not many fishies, just Londo and me."
Garibaldi - "We’re gonna play this by the book." Lennier, re: saving Londo - "I fear I have served the present by sacrificing the future."
Londo - "There, you see? I am going to live!"
A Day in the StrifeSusan, to Sheridan - "With all due respect, that was Grade-A stupid."
Susan - "Did you look through my file when I came on board?" Londo, to Na’Far - "You may contact G’Kar now."
Vir - "It’s not enough to beat them, we have to break them?"
Londo - "Over the last 2 years, to my considerable surprise, I have become very fond of Vir. Sometimes, in his eyes, I see a younger version of myself, before ... well, he would be better off away from here, away from what must be. He would only get in the way."
Londo - "Sometimes, I miss that we don’t talk anymore, Delenn." Na’Far, to G’Kar - "I have it on very good authority that you will not be harmed." Susan - "I don’t wanna get killed because of a typo. It’d be embarrassing." Dr Franklin - "We’ve got four hours to live and you’re worried about being rude?"
Susan - "If I live through this job without completely losing my mind, it will be a miracle of biblical proportions." Narn - "It is better to die in the cause of freedom than life in the comfort of slavery." G’Kar - "I will stay."
Passing Through GethsemaneSheridan - "I believe in a little of everything. I’m ... eclectic. Open-minded."Brother Theo - "Your Ambassador Delenn has a wonderful phrase. Faith Manages. Check. And I do believe Mate."
Sheridan - "You wanna tell me where you learned that little move?"
Susan - "Ambassador. You wanted to see me?" Brother Edward - "Death walks among you!"
Londo - "Lyta Alexander, as I live and breath!"
Londo - "Lyta, I understand the Psi Corps is looking for you. I would hate very much for them to find you." Delenn - "We are the universe, trying to understand itself." Brother Edward - "Do you know what it’s like to wake up one day and discover you’re a monster? A murderer?" Brother Edward - "How can I confess my sins to God if I don’t even know what they are?" Sheridan, to Lyta - "Do it." Brother Edward - "I always wanted to know if I would have had the courage to stay at the garden of Gethsemane. Now I know, Theo. Now I know."
Sheridan - "Where does revenge end and justice begin? Forgiveness is a hard thing, isn’t it, Theo?"
Voices of AuthorityZack - "I look like a circus tent. Any minute now, a little teeny car with 16 clowns is gonna come flying out of my butt."Delenn - "I have invited one other person to the meeting today..." G’Kar, to Delenn - "What do you know about Rangers?"
Sheridan - "Zack?"
Draal - "I like you. You’re trouble!"
Susan - "It’s, uh, occupied." Draal - "I must remember to dust myself once in awhile." Susan - "I know this place. I’ve seen it on starcharts. Sigma 957. They were here. I can feel their footprints in the sand, hear their words whispered in the wind. It’s beautiful. They’re coming back again. Soon. I can ... Draal? Draal, something’s wrong. Excuse me. It knows I’m here! It’s pulling me in. I can’t stop it!" Susan - "Good luck, Captain. I think you’re about to go where everyone’s gone before."
Susan - "It tells us that they understand our language. They’re just not willing to speak to us in it."
First One - "Zog."
Clark - "I’ve wanted Santiago dead for so long. I wasn’t sure we could really pull it off. You’re sure it’s done?"
Marcus - "How do you propose stopping them? Perhaps a great big red and white sign with the word Stop on it? I’ll put a bucket on my head and pretend to be the Ancient Vorlon god Booji." Susan, to the First Ones - "Yeah, well, whatever."
Marcus - "I think you’re making them mad." First Ones - "When it is time, come to this place. Call our name. We will be here." Sheridan - "The truth is out. All we can do is hope it does some good."
G’Kar - "I told you I could help. The Book of G’Quan. Read it. We’ll talk afterwards."
Dust to DustGaribaldi, re: Bester - "Does he really think we’re gonna fall for that line again?"Susan - "Computer, activate forward defense grid!" Sheridan - "These are Minbari telepaths. Nothing like a level playing field to ruin a Psi Cops’ day. Am I right, Mr. Bester?" Bester - "I’m here to save your butts."
Londo, to Drazi - "Remember what happened to the Narn Homeworld. You would not want the same to happen to yours. Ask G’Kar." Bester, to Garibaldi - "We may be all that stands between you and the Abyss."
Vir - "Are you deliberately trying to drive me insane?" G’Kar - "Who would believe it? The great and powerful Londo Mollari got his job because no one else was stupid enough to take it!" G’Kar’s father/Kosh - "I have always been here."
Bester - "We made a good team. Perhaps we’ll do it again some time." G’Kar’s father/Kosh, to G’Kar - "Some of us are to be sacrificed if all are to be saved." Londo - "I have only seen political naivete this complete once before, in a speech before the Centarum by Lord Jarno. When he was finished, we recommended that he be sterilized in the best interests of evolution. Then we remembered that he was married to Lady Jarno, so really there was no need." Bester, to Garibaldi - "You think of me as something bring and cheerful, full of toys and candy for young children?"
ExogenesisSusan - "Is there a problem?"Sheridan - "That’s what I want you to find out. Now that Corwin’s been promoted, sooner or later, he’s going to end up in our business." Dr Franklin - "What the hell are you?" Dr Franklin - "We may have a problem."
Garibaldi - "Don’t you ever shut up?"
Marcus - "Can I quote you?" Dr Franklin - "And now, you’re a part of our little family here." Marcus - "For the record, if they kill me, this was not a good idea on my part."
Susan - "Keep em!"
Messages From EarthDr Franklin - "There was just one ship, wasn’t there?"Dr Kirkish - "That was just the start. It gets worse." Dr Kirkish - "They found another one of those things. This time on Ganymede. But there’s a difference. Whoever’s behind this back home doesn’t want to give it back. In 3 days, theya re going to take it back to Earth, study its secrets and learn how to use it against the other races and if necessary against our own people. That’s why I had to warn someone." Nightwatch - "Does anyone in this room know where the Captain is?" Sheridan - "Right now, more than anything else in the world, I wish it would rain." Susan, to Marcus - "Ever since you’ve come here we’ve had nothing but trouble." Delenn - "In Valen’s name! It’s awake!"
Sheridan - "We did something to help Earth, but the way it’s being reported, you’d think we were the menace."
Susan - "Why are you doing this?" ISN - "To confirm earlier reports, President Clark has signed a decree today declaring Martial Law throughout Earth Central, citing threats to planetary security. He’s expected to provide information to support this action at a closed meeting of the full Earth Senate tomorrow. We repeat: Earth is now under Martial Law."
Point of No ReturnLondo - "Intelligence has nothing to do with politics."Minister - "Lady Morella has agreed to your request and will be arriving shortly."
Londo - "You. What is going on?" General Smitz - "Clark just issued an executive order dissolving the Senate." Hague - "You’re on your own."
Corwin - "How’d this happen? What did we do wrong?" Nightwatch - "As of this moment, Babylon 5 belongs to the NightWatch." Morella, to Londo - "Why have you asked us here?" Londo - "I believe that I have been touched. Meant for something greater. A greater darkness or a greater good, I can no longer say. All I have ever wanted is to serve my people." Morella - "I will honor your request, Mollari. Before I leave here, you will have your reading." Garibaldi - "Hell’s coming five steps behind me." Garibaldi, to Zack - "Is this the way you wanted it, Zack? Is it?" G’Kar, to Ta’Lon - "It may take the rest of my life to explain what I saw in that one singular instant."
Londo - "Lady Morella, the tour is this way." G’Kar, to Susan - "I’ve had ... an idea." NightWatch - "You did the right thing, Zack, you did the right thing." Zack - "Now."
Garibaldi - "You did the right thing, Zack." Garibaldi - "We’ve got some help for a change"
G’Kar - "I want in."
Sheridan - "They’ll be coming for us next, you know."
Sheridan’s Speech - Point of No ReturnSheridan - "This is Captain John Sheridan, Commander of Babylon 5. We have received orders this day, April 9, 2260, from the President of the Earth Alliance, declaring a state of emergency. AS of this moment, Babylon 5 is under Martial Law. Curfew of 1900 hours will be maintained until further notice. Station personnel reserve the right to intercept and monitor communications in and out of Babylon 5. There will be stiff penalties against anyone inciting to riot or taking action against the security of this station, Earth, or any of its forces. Copies of the notice will be posted in all public places. Inquiries should be directed to Command Staff or myself. Thank you for your attention."Sheridan, after reading speech - "I feel like I need a shower."
Lady Morella’s Prophecy - Point of No ReturnMorella - "You have a chance few others will ever have, Mollari. You still have 3 opportunities to avoid the fire that waits for you at the end of your journey. You’ve already wasted two others. You must save the I that does not see. You must not kill the one who is already dead. And at the last, you must surrender yourself to your greatest fear, knowing that it will destroy you. Now, if you have failed all the others, that is your final chance for redemption."Londo - "I don’t understand." Morella - "The future reveals itself only reluctantly, Ambassador. Take the sign for what it is. Look for it when it appears." Londo - "I will. Thank you." Morella - "One more thing. You will be Emperor. That part of your destiny cannot be avoided." Londo - "I see." Morella, to Vir - "You will also be Emperor. Why are you laughing?" Vir - "I thought you were joking." Morella - "We do not joke in the face of Prophecy, Vir." Londo - "Lady Morella, please. We cannot both be the Emperor." Morella - "Correct. One of you will become Emperor after the other is dead. That is all we see, and all we wish to see."
Severed DreamsMajor Ryan - "There’s only one place that’s safe for us. Set course for Babylon 5."ISN - "Xavier Montoya, head of the Mars provisional government, announced today that he will not implement the Martial Law order given 5 days ago by President Clark." Grey Council - "The problems of others are not our concern." CommLink - "We just intercepted a coded message from Earth Force Command. They’ve started bombing Mars. Repeat: They’re bombing Mars." Delenn - "G’Kar, thank you for your help. I think you are no longer quite the same person I met when I came here four years ago."
David - "What was the first lesson I ever taught you?" Sheridan - "Goodbye, Dad. Love to you both."
Delenn - "This is Ambassador Delenn of the Minbari. Babylon 5 is under our protection. Withdraw, or be destroyed."
Sheridan’s speech - Breaking away from Earth - Severed DreamsSheridan - "May I have your attention, please? In the last few hours, we have learned that warships are coming this way from Earth. Their orders are to seize command of Babylon 5. As Commanding Officer and military governor of Babylon 5, I cannot allow this to happen. President Clark has violated the Earth Alliance constitution. By dissolving the Senate, declaring Martial Law, and by personally ordering the bombing of civilian targets on the Mars colony. He is personally responsible for the deaths of hundreds of innocent people. Following these attacks, Orion 7 and Proxima 3 have broken away from the Earth Alliance and declared independence. Babylon 5 now joins with them. As of this moment, Babylon 5 is seceding from the Earth Alliance. We will remain an independent state until President Clark is removed from office. At the end of this current crisis, anyone who wishes to leave for Earth is free to do so. Meanwhile, for your own safety, I urge everyone to stay in your quarters until this is over. That is all."Sheridan, to Susan - "Well, we’re in it now."
Ceremonies of Light and DarkSheridan - "From the stars we came, to the stars we return. From now until the end of time. We therefore commit these bodies to the deep."
Londo - "Is there anyone along our border with whom we are not currently at war?" Londo - "One never knows when an inconvenient truth will fall between the cracks and vanish."
Lord Refa - "Why would I abandon them?" Londo - "To your health, Lord Refa."
Delenn - "What are you afraid of?" Londo - "Enjoy your ceremony, Delenn. I intend to have other plans." G’Kar - "I have already been born once, and quite sufficiently, I think." Marcus - "I don’t have anything left to give."
Lennier, re: Delenn - "I love her." Marcus - "It’s like I’ve always said. You can get more with a kind word and a two by four than you can with just a kind word." Garibaldi - "No one knows, but I’m afraid all the time of what I might do if I ever let go." Susan - "I think I loved Talia." Franklin - "I think I have a problem." Lennier - "Before you go, as part of the ceremony, Delenn had something made for you. I think she was expecting your actions. The gifts are waiting for you in your quarters." Sheridan - "What’s the matter? Haven’t you ever seen someone who’s been reborn before?"
Sic Transit VirRegent - "What is more dangerous than a locked room full of angry Narns?"Vir - "I don’t know. What is more dangerous than a locked room full of angry Narns?" Regent - "One angry Narn with a key!" Vir - "If kisses could kill, that one would have flattened several small towns." Vir, to Susan - "We have six, uh ... we have six, you see?" Susan - "Six. Wow!" Lyndisty - "Everyone knows that wherever there’s trouble, there’s always a Narn at the center of it. That’s all they are, you know, trouble. It’s not their fault. They’re simply ... inferior. It’s genetics. They’re lazy. They foul their own nests. Everything they touch falls apart. Hence, my original conclusion. The sooner they’re dealt with, the better for everyone." Lyndisty - "I’ve done it hundreds of times myself."
Sheridan - "I hereby appoint you the official Babylon 5 Sneak in Residence." Vir - "Well, what relationships don’t have their ups and downs?"
A Late Delivery From AvalonThug - "I got friends."G’Kar - "That’s all right. So does he!" Arthur - "You shall be known as Sir G’Kar, the Red Knight."
Marcus - "Mr. Garibaldi is quite put out." G’Kar - "They made a very agreeable thump. Did I mention that?" Franklin - "You’d think I’d learn one of these days I can’t fix everything." Marcus - "Who’s the Lady of the Lake?" Marcus - "I hate good-byes!"
Marcus - "I’ll miss him."
Ship of TearsBester - "You know if this keeps up, I’m going to start thinking people around here just don’t like me."Susan, to Sheridan - "We’ve got a problem with G’Kar." Sheridan, to Bester - "Try not to drool on the controls."
Sheridan - "Mister Bester." Bester - "She’s carrying my child." Garibaldi - "A book this important, you would think would have an index." G’Kar - "Do not thump the book of G’Quan. It is disrespectful." Susan - "The Shadows have just started attacking Brakiri space openly. They’re not hiding anymore. They’re finally on the move."
Interludes and ExaminationsSusan - "August 3rd, 2260. Ten days ago, for the first time, the Shadows began attacking openly. So far, they’ve been hitting targets close to the Rim, the minor powers, a few in the League of Non-Aligned Worlds. The attacks seem totally random, senseless. If we thought it was nuts around here before, this has only made things worse. We’ve had to hire more security personnel to keep things calm, make sure the wrong type of people don’t get on board. But without our resources back home for background checks, we have to assume there will be lapses. Everyone’s been handling the stress pretty well. Sooner or later, something’s got to give somewhere. Nobody’s seen Kosh in almost a week. When the Vorlon goes to ground, I worry. What’s going through his - it’s? - mind? I can’t even guess. And Londo ... Londo is Londo. You never know which way he’ll jump next."Sheridan - "Ever day, people around here are talking more and more like Kosh."
Morden - "Anything I can do to help?" Sheridan, to Kosh - "Who the hell do you think you are?"
Kosh - "Leave. Now." Sheridan - "Unless your people get off their encounter-suited butts and do something, I’ve got nothing to lose."
Kosh - "I will do as you ask. But there is a price to pay. I will not be there to help you when you go to Z’Ha’Dum."
Sheridan - "I’ll go it alone." Londo - "Gods, Vir. I feel happy. I had almost forgotten what it was like." Kosh/David, to Sheridan - "As long as you’re here, I’ll always be here." Londo - "Everyone around me dies, Mr. Morden, except the one’s that most deserve it." Londo - "All I want now is revenge." Londo - "Let the rest of the galaxy burn. I do not care anymore." Franklin - "Effectively immediately, I am resigning as chief of staff of the MedLab facility."
War Without End, pt 1Rathenn, to Sinclair - "How did he know that you would be here? How did he know your name?"Rathenn - "Where Delenn points, I follow. She pointed to you."
Rathenn - "I have the strangest feeling. I will never see him again." Garibaldi - "Time doesn’t work right in there."
Zack - "Commander Sinclair!" Delenn - "Time is all we have." Sheridan - "The way things have been going lately, I’ve decided to start taking Ivanova lessons." Sinclair - "Well, looks like I got here just in time."
Sinclair - "My being here is as much of a surprise to me as it is to you." Marcus - "Delenn, are you saying we stole Babylon 4?" Delenn - "If we fail to save Babylon 4, Babylon 5 will also be destroyed." Sinclair - "Let’s just say that my information comes from a very reliable source."
Marcus - "If Entil’Zha believes it, I believe it." Garibaldi - "Eight days from now we go straight to hell." Sinclair - "I think we work well together, like Butch and Sundance. Lewis and Clark. Lucy and Ethel." Sheridan - "Lucy and Ethel?" Zathras - "Sorry. Much apologizings."
Sinclair - "Do you understand?" Zathras - "Zathras not supposed to mention One. Or the One. Oh. You never heard that." Sinclair - "One last thing, Captain. On our way out, I’m going to need a favor."
Sheridan - "You don’t want to talk to him?" Sinclair - "Goodbye, old friend." Sheridan - "As my great grandfather used to say, cool!" Zathras - "He is unstuck in time." Zathras - "Zathras can never have anything nice." Emperor Mollari - "Welcome back from the Abyss, Sheridan." Emperor Mollari - "During your little war, you drove away the Shadows, oh yes. But you did not think to clean up your mess." Zathras - "Zathras is used to being beast of burden to other peoples needs. Very sad live. Probably have very sad death. But, at least there is symmetry."
Sinclair - "Ready?"
War Without End, pt 2Emperor Mollari - "Sheridan. Make your peace with whatever gods you worship. You will meet them next time I send for you."President Delenn - "Our son is safe." Emperor Mollari - "We all have our keepers, you see."
Emperor Mollari - "You are there, my old friend?" President Delenn - "Do not go to Z’Ha’Dum." Susan - "Doesn’t anything come under warranty anymore?" Anna Sheridan - "Hello."
Susan - "We’re running out of time!" Marcus, to Sheridan - "But if you’re here, whose running around out there in a blue suit?" Sinclair - "My whole life has been leading to this."
Delenn - "If my people had found Babylon 4 with a human on board, they would never have accepted it." Sinclair/Valen - "I am called Valen. And we have much work ahead of us."
WalkaboutLondo - "What guarantee will you give me that the cruiser will not open fire on a Centauri vessel as it approaches Babylon 5, hmm?"Garibaldi - "It’s the same guarantee I gave when I said that none of the other Narns would break into your quarters in the middle of the night and slit your throat." Londo - "Mr. Garibaldi, you’ve never given me that promise." Garibaldi - "You’re right. Sleep tight."
Susan - "Ambassador Kosh is dead." Ulkesh - "Follow."
Ulkesh - "IS there a problem?"
Franklin - "What do you see?"
Grey 17 is MissingSusan - "For all its size, it’s not like anyone can hide out here for very long."
Lennier - "Delenn, he’s planning to kill you." Marcus - "So ... you must be Neroon." Neroon - "During the war, I killed 50,000 of you. What’s one more?" Neroon, to Delenn - "They would die for you, Entil’Zha." Marcus, to Neroon - "Next time you want a revelation, could you possibly find a way that isn’t quite so uncomfortable?"
And the Rock Cried Out, No Hiding PlaceSusan - "Their safety has already been guaranteed."G’Kar - "I’m sure that will be a great comfort to their grief-stricken families when a Shadow agent carves them up into spare body parts." Brother Theo - "I’ve heard you sing, Will, and take my word for it. That is not what the good Lord had in mind when he said ‘Make a joyful noise’." Vir - "I have some information. It’s about Na’Toth." Brother Theo - "He said something nice about me! I must write this down in my diary!" Delenn - "The White Star was never intended to be one of a kind. It was only the first." ***note - First Kiss of John and Delenn in real-time***
Shadow DancingMarcus, to Susan - "You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen."
Susan - "That’s a lot of ships."
Susan - "Well, who wants to live forever?" Garibaldi - "Well, as revelations go, I guess I’ve heard worse." Susan - "You are the hand? What the hell’s that supposed to mean? And why would I say something as dopey as that?" Anna Sheridan - "Hello. You must be Delenn. I’m Anna Sheridan. John’s wife."
Z’Ha’DumDelenn - "Minbari also have a phrase. What is past is sometimes future."Anna - "I know there’s a lot you don’t understand, but I’m here to fix that." (see Sleeping in Light for a double meaning).
Anna - "All you have to do is come with me."
Vir - "Tell me what’s wrong."
Anna - "Then you will go with me to Z’Ha’Dum?" Kosh - "If you go to Z’Ha’Dum, you will die." Dr Franklin - "There’s a problem with Anna." Sheridan - "Delenn, by the time you get this message, I’ll be at Z’Ha’Dum, with Anna." Justin - "The only thing standing in our way is you. So we can either work together now or we can remove your support mechanism." Sheridan - "I love you, Delenn. Good-bye." Kosh - "Jump. Jump now!"
Corwin - "One of the pilots we sent out didn’t come back."
G’Kar’s speech - season finale - Z’Ha’DumG’Kar - "It was the end of the Earth year 2260, and the war had paused, suddenly and unexpectedly. All around us, it was as if the universe were holding its breath, waiting. All of life can be broken down into moments of transition, or moments of revelation. This had the feeling of both. G’Quan wrote ‘There is a greater darkness than the one we fight. It is the darkness of the soul that has lost its way’. The war we fight is not against powers or principalities, it is against chaos and despair. Greater than the death of flesh is the death of hope, the death of dreams. Against this peril we can never surrender. The future is all around us, waiting in moments of transition, to be born in moments of revelation. No one knows the shape of that future, or where it will take us. We know only that it is always born in pain."