Other people born on my birthday include Rich Cronin, from the music group LFO, who was also born in 1975 ... Lisa Ling from The View, in 1973 .. Cameron Diaz in 1972 ... Michael Chiklis from The Commish in 1963 .... and Timothy Bottoms, George Bush from "That's My Bush" in 1951.
People who died on my birthday include Princess Diana (she died at 10:30 or so pm, central time, even though in France the day had already changed over).
In coordinating the move, I've gone through every box I've got, and thrown out a LOT of things that I just didn't have use for anymore. Come on, who needs a printout from a website from 4 years ago, anyway? I had the thought "Why I kept this stuff, I'll never know" but the truth is, I do know exactly why I've been SUCH a packrat, and kept all this stuff for so long. After the fire, I kept everything, no matter how trivial, because subconsciously, I've feared it would happen again, and who knows what might survive?
Well, in going through this, I found quite a few autographs that I had forgotten about, just sitting there in a binder. They include: Ira Steven Behr, Ronald D. Moore, and Rick Berman - all writers/producers from Star Trek - Michael Welch (Artim from Insurrection), and more pix of Majel and Maggie Egan.
In yesterday's mail, I also got autographs from Ted Bikel, Ian McShane, James DeBello, Kathy Kinney, Shane West, Jennifer Elise Cox, and Camryn Manheim, and very soon I will be getting more from Robert O'Reilly, William Campbell, Max Grodenchik, Aron Eisenberg, and Robin Curtis. Scans will take several days, because I'll have to hook up the computer and scanner, etc etc etc. But you'll be able to see them soon enough. :)
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